- Aanvraag vliegboek leerlingpiloot
- Om u in te schrijven voor de skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, klikt u hier. (To register for the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, please click here)
- Om een skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence te registreren voor een houder van een niet-Belgische vergunning, klikt u hier.
- Temporary permission to act as PIC na het behalen van je MPA HP Type rating
Formulieren voor examinatoren (Report forms and check contents)
Skill test / Proficiency test
Assessment of competence
Contents of the tests, checks and assessments
- Checklist PPL(A)
- Checklist CPL(A)
- Checklist IR(A)
- Checklist Flight Instructor
- Checklist Type ratings Multi-pilot Aeroplanes and High performance complex Aeroplanes
- Checklist Single-pilot Aeroplanes except for High performance complex Aeroplanes
- Checklist refresher training SEP TMG
- Checklist Mountain Rating
- Certificate of renewal training by instructor
Commercial Air Transport (CAT)
Form nr Subject / Name Issue date 1118 EASA Application Nominated Person & Curriculum Vitae 12/12/2017 1119 Initial/Variation application Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and/or Operations Specifications (OS) 26/02/2021 1119a Application Form Certification - AIR-OPS Requirements Checklist 21/09/2022 1121 Lease agreement Application form 15/09/2016 1163 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Application Form 18/10/2019 1163a AIR - OPS EFB Compliance Checklist 18/10/2019 1190 CPDLC Application Form 8/10/2019 1197 ETOPS application form 07/05/2019 1210a Compliance checklist CAT.IDE.A 09/03/2021 1210b Compliance checklist CAT.IDE.H 17/02/2021 -
Aanvraagformulieren specifieke erkenningen (CAT/NCC/NCO/SPO)
- Form 1123 Application form RVSM
- Form 1161 Application form LVO
- Form 1161a AIR-OPS LVO compliance checklist
- Form 1199 Application form MNPS
- Form 1134 Application form PBCS
- Form 1175 application form for CCITP
- Form 1202 CCA initial issue
- Form 1203 revocation of a CCA
- Form 1204 Duplicate of a CCA
- Form 1175a EASA cross-reference checklist
Private luchtvaart
- Aanvraag tot het bekomen van een luchtvaartpas
- Expertise aanvraag
- Beschrijvende fiche en verklaring van luchtwaardigheid met het oog op de afgifte van een EASA BVL
- Proefvluchtrapport PDF et XLS
- Weight and balance modification
- EASA Form 2
- EASA Form 4
- EASA Form 15b
- EASA Form 15c Certifying Staff
- EASA Form 15c Organisations
Luchtwaardigheidsvoorschriften voor toebehoren "enkel ter informatie"
- General sheet 1 of 7
- General sheet 2 of 7
- General sheet 3 of 7
- General sheet 4 of 7
- General sheet 5 of 7
- General sheet 6 of 7
- General sheet 7 of 7
- Air filter foam
- Air filter paper
- Airspeed
- Alternator
- Altimeter
- Auto pilot sheet 1 of 2
- Auto pilot sheet 2 of 2
- Carburator sheet 1 of 2
- Carburator sheet 2 of 2
- Dry air pump
- Electrical fuel pump
- Fire extinguishers
- Governor
- Heat exchanger
- Heater
- Magneto Bendix/TCM/Eiseman L/H
- Magneto Bendix/TCM/Eiseman R/H
- Magneto Bendix dual 2000
- Magneto Bendix dual 3000
- Magneto Single
- Magneto Slick L/H
- Magneto Slick R/H
- Safety belts sheet 1 of 3
- Safety belts sheet 2 of 3
- Safety belts sheet 3 of 3
- Servo Fuel Injector
- Starter
- Towing hook
- Transponder tr1
- Transponder tr2
- Turbocharger