Tonnage certificate


All Belgian seagoing ships, including fishing vessels, must have a tonnage certificate.

A tonnage certificate is a certificate stating the main dimensions of the seagoing ship and the various (cargo) spaces of the seagoing ship, as well as the gross and net tonnage.

International Tonnage Certificate

If a seagoing ship is at least 24 metres long and makes international voyages, an International Tonnage Certificate is required. This requirement is based on the 1969 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships.

National Tonnage Certificate

If a Belgian seagoing ship is less than 24 metres long or does not make international voyages, a National Tonnage Certificate is required.

Importance of a tonnage certificate

Both the length and tonnage of a seagoing ship are important in several respects. They help determine which legislation applies to a seagoing ship. For example, certain international conventions apply to ships with a gross tonnage of at least 500. 

Tonnage is the basis for safety and pollution prevention requirements and determines the minimum crew, among others. It also helps determine the limits of liability for a shipowner. Tonnage determines the levy of port charges and also serves as a basis for other charges such as registration fees and tonnage tax, among others.

If a seagoing ship enters a foreign port, Port State Control can request to see the tonnage certificate.

New tonnage certificate

A tonnage certificate is issued by the Flag State. Therefore, if the seagoing ship changes nationality, a new tonnage certificate will be issued.

If a seagoing ship is registered under the Belgian flag, it is requested to complete the 'Application form for international tonnage certificate' and forward it with the required annexes to:

After receiving the application form, the application will be examined. Before a tonnage certificate is issued, an inspection by a tonnage surveyor of the Maritime Inspectorate may be required.

Alterations to tonnage certificate

A shipowner must report any alteration in the arrangement, construction, capacity, use of spaces, total number of passengers the passenger ship is permitted to carry, assigned load line or permitted draught to the Maritime Inspectorate. Any alteration may affect the gross tonnage or net tonnage. Causing the need to adjust the existing tonnage certificate.

If any of these alterations are made to a Belgian seagoing ship, it is requested to complete only the data that must be adapted in the 'Application form for international tonnage certificate' and forward the latter with the required annexes to

After receiving the application form, the application will be examined. Before a tonnage certificate is issued, an inspection by a tonnage surveyor of the Maritime Inspectorate may be required.



Preferably by email:
By phone: + 32 (0)2 277 42 50 (secretarial office Flag State)