
Connecting Europe Facility 2 - 2023 Call for projects

On the 26th of September 2023, The European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency (CINEA) has opened a new call for projects under the CEF-Transport programme on behalf of the European Commission.

For this call for projects, the European Commission has set aside a budget of €7 billion for the co-financing of studies and projects that fall under one of the following priorities

  • infrastructure projects on the TEN-T/TEN-T Core & Comprehensive Network;
  • the deployment of ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management Systems) on rolling stock;
  • interoperability;
  • the deployment of ITS (Intelligent Transport Services) systems for road transport;
  • deployment of the air traffic management system (Single European Sky - SESAR);
  • projects developing transport infrastructure in one of the urban nodes of the core network;
  • reducing rail freight noise;
  • improving the resilience of transport infrastructure, in particular to climate change and natural disasters;
  • multimodal passenger hubs;
  • ...

Applications for subsidies must be validated by the Member States concerned. In Belgium, depending on the type of project, grant applications must be validated either by the FPS Mobility and Transport or by the Regions.

Applicants wishing to have their application validated by the FPS Mobility and Transport are requested to send it by 16 January 2024 at the latest to the following e-mail address: EUfunding@mobilit.fgov.be. The application forms, validated by the FPS, must then be sent to the CINEA agency by 30 January 2024 at the latest.

More details on the priorities of the calls for projects and the selection criteria are available on the website of the CINEA agency.